OCR Output



At the Austrian Post Graduate “Danube University” in Krems, Department for
Psychotherapy and Biopsychosocial Health we strive to implement complex
research designs as demanded by psychotherapy or supervision processes.
As a main topic we were interested in risks, side effects and damages that
psychotherapy or supervision can implicate. We could realise a multi-method
study in the years 2008-2012 concerning the dark field of psychotherapy” and
from 2008-2011 in cooperation with the University of Amsterdam and the
EAG Hückeswagen an online data collection concerning injuries and damages
in supervision and training supervision. Besides these online data, some
students of the Supervision & Coaching MSc.-course were conducting research
projects on other perspectives and aspects on the dark field of supervision.
So we have got results from different points of view with different research
methods which give a first impression on hidden aspects of supervision and

Trying to define...

As we stated before’ the scientific research on supervision should result in
quality management-factors such as effectiveness, efficiency, and harmlessness.
The last point is also of an ethic concern. We assumed that if supervision should
be effective there may occur wanted as well as unwanted effects in the process.
+ First we have the planned and followed required effects of the supervision
process — for example a better cooperation of the team or better dealing
with demanding clients.

Anton Leitner — Brigitte Schigl —- Michael Martens (eds.), Wirkung Risiken und Nebenwirkungen
von Psychotherapie. Ein Beipackzettel ftir PatientInnen und TherapeutInnen, Wien, facultas.
wuv, 2014.

Jutta Ehrhardt — Hilarion G. Petzold, Wenn Supervisionen schaden - explorative
Untersuchungen im Dunkelfeld “riskanter supervisorischer Praxis”, Supervision: Theorie —
Praxis — Forschung, 3 (2014), www.fpi-publikation.de/images/stories/downloads/supervision/
praxis-03-2014.pdf, accessed 20 July 2015.

Brigitte Schigl, Wie gefahrlich kann Supervision sein?, Organisationsberatung, Supervision,
Coaching, 2013/01, 35-49, DOI: 10.1007/s11613-013-0312-6.

Anton Leitner — Hilarion G. Petzold - Susanne Orth - Johanna Sieper — Petra Telsemeyer,
Mythos Supervision. Zur Notwendigkeit von “konzeptkritischen” Untersuchungen im Hell¬
und Dunkelfeld zu Wirkungen, Nebenwirkungen, Risiken und Rechtsverletzungen in der
supervisorischen Praxis, 2004, www.donau- uni.ac.at/imperia/md/content/studium/umwelt_
medizin/psymed/artikel/mythsu04.pdf, accessed 19 July 2015.

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