OCR Output


s Besides that there are useful side effects — possibly more joy at work for the
team-mates or a higher self-efficacy of the supervisee.
+ Unwanted side effects could also be part of the game (also in effect full
processes) as for instance more time is needed for team meetings or
a precarious or exaggerated opinion of supervisees self. All these side
effects can be located on all levels of the supervised system: among the
client(s) of the supervisee, the supervisee, the team of the supervisees or
the organisation of the supervisees e.g. by spending the employee’s time
and paying for supervision which does not reach its goals.
¢ If the unwanted effects prevail or if there are only unwanted and no
positive effects at all, there we can detect a harm or damage done to the
supervisee or the organisation of the supervisees as a supervision result.
Harm is the negative consequence of a risk, which all interventions with
human beings bare.
¢ This harm could result from the incompetence of the supervisor, from
his/her mistakes in leading the process and communication”. It is an
open discussion if these harms also can occur without any remarkable
misdemeanour of the supervisor, by other influences coming from the
field, the organisation or the supervisees themselves.
Anyhow, the supervisor is responsible for the process. If the situation is
obstructing the supervisions aim, the supervisor has to realise it and deal with
it — unless he/she stops the supervision process.


Since 2000 the supervision-community started to deal with the difficulties,
negative effects and risks of supervision and in some works these aspects have
been published. L6wer-Hirsch” describes the example of harmful private
involvement of supervisor and supervisee and Môller'* deals with the topic of
shame in supervision-processes. The Handbook Supervision 3° contains 18

1° Brigitte Schigl — Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Fehler machen - aus Fehlern lernen? ¬
Perspektiven zur Klassifizierung von psychotherapeutischen Fehlern und dem Umgang damit,
Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, Vol. 3, 2013/01, 23-33, www.psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/
index.php/psy-wis/article/view/1001/975, accessed 18 May 2015.

17 Marga Lower-Hirsch, Opfer von Beratung, Supervision, 3 (2003) 38-43.

Heidi Möller, Schamerleben in Supervisionsprozessen, 2002, www.donau-uni.ac.at/imperia/

md/content/studium/umwelt_medizin/psymed/artikel/schamerleben.pdf, accessed 19 July


1% Harald Pühl (ed.), Handbuch Supervision 3, Berlin, Ulrich Leutner Verlag, 2009.

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