OCR Output


coaching can be. This is a parallel development to the research in psychotherapy
before. There the first findings also tried to prove the impact and positive
outcome of psychotherapy. In the Anglo-American supervision research we
mainly find discussions about the effects of “clinical supervision” which in
these cases means the training supervision of psychotherapists and clinical
counsellors in their professional training’. In other European countries
supervision is seen as a counselling process of people working with clients and
patients or persons holding management positions or are leading employees.

We already have findings about good supervisors and good supervision
processes?: Good supervisors are multi partially, can provide trust and
safety and obtain a friendly, open relation to their supervisees. They provide
structure in the supervision process and can deal with transference-dynamics
and conflicts. They have a certain degree of competence and professional
expertise in the field they provide supervision in. They are orientated towards
resources, not deficiencies. They can provide different methods of dealing with
the topics that arise in supervision, create metaphors fitting to the social world
of the supervisees and have a good sense of humour. Such good and successful
supervision can improve the cooperation among the team of supervisees and
increase the self-regulation of single supervisees. It enhances the professional
competence and provides support and relief in daily hassles. Good supervision
can modify the sight and the way of thinking of the supervisees”®.

A common division of the variables which influence the supervision process is
the partitioning into variables of structure like setting, personality and methods
of the supervisor, field of supervision etc. and the variables of the process as the
quality of the professional supervision relationship, the communication or the
timeline". Unfortunately there is currently no survey on the complete findings
concerning the different variables and effects of supervision.

8 Bernhard Strauß — Sue Wheeler — Steffi Nodop, Klinische Supervision. Uberblick iiber den
Stand der Forschung, Psychotherapeut, 55 (2010), DOI: 10.1007/s00278-010-0776-1.

° Brigitte Schigl, Wirkfaktoren und Qualitätskriterien von erfolgreichen Supervisionsprozessen:
Eine qualitative Erhebung bei Expert/innen und Supervisand/innen, Supervision. Mensch
Arbeit Organisation, 2007/1, 41-50.

10 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision (ed.), Der Nutzen von Supervision, 2007, www.uni¬

kassel.de/upress/online/Open Access/978-3-89958-602-6.OpenAccess.pdf, accessed 18 July


Petzold, Integrative Supervision.

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