- Titel
- Inspire and Be Inspired. A Sample of Research on Supervision and Coaching in Europe
- Editor
- Brigitte Geißler-Piltz | Eva Nemes | Sijtze de Roos
- Date
- 2017
- Place
- Budapest | Paris
- Zusammenfassung
- Research is the driving force behind development and professionalization, and a major reason why supervisors and coaches are striving to strengthen the evidence base of their practice, enhancing its credibility and legitimacy. This reflects what they professionally pursue with their clientele: to serve the development of individuals, teams and organisations. Research facilitates critical (self-) reflection, initiates innovation, deepens the professional knowledge base and generates better theories. This book serve as an example of this effort. Edited and produced in close cooperation with the Faculty of Humanities of Károli Gáspár University, Budapest, ANSE (Association of National Organizations for Supervision in Europe), and the Hungarian and German National Associations for Supervision and Coaching (MSZCT, DGSv), it offers relevant research reports by 22 scholars from all over Europe. Its aim is to inspire practitioners as much as researchers have been - and are - inspired by them.
- Herausgeber
- L’Harmattan
- Co-publisher
- Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary | Éditions L’Harmattan
- Type of publication
- tanulmánykötet
- Field of science
- Vállalkozási coaching és mentorálás / Business coaching and mentoring (13086) | Élethosszig tartó tanulás / Lifelong learning (12904) | Szociálpszichológia / Social psychology (12748)
- Stichwort
- supervision | coaching | lifelong learning | social psychology
- Format
- Text
- 978-2-343-12798-9
- Series
- Collection Károli. Collection of Papers
- Sprache
- angol
- Edition
- Első kiadás
- Rechte
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0