OCR Output


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Irving, John, Philosophy in Canada: A Symposium, Toronto, University of
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Irving, John, Ihe Development of Philosophy in Central Canada from 1850
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JONES, Roger S., Physics as Metaphor, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota,

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Kym uika, Will, Multicultural Odysseys, Oxford, Oxford University, 2007.

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Leacock, Stephen, Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich, Toronto,
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MATHEWS, Robin, Canadian Identity, Ottawa, Steel Rail Publishing, 1988.

McKırLop, A.B., A Disciplined Intelligence: Critical Inquiry and Canadian
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Mooe_rs, Colin, Multiculturalism and the Fetishism of Difference, Socialist
Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2005).

NARDON, Luciara, Working in a Multicultural World, Toronto, University of
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NORTON-SMITH, Thomas M., The Dance of Person and Place, One Inter¬
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OGMUNDSON, Richard, On the Right to be a Canadian, in Stella Hryniuk
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