Today, multiculturalism is more often a policy directive. Previously we
gradually learned to put up with each other."? Now we are being told to work
harder to make sure everyone remains distinct. This is a long way from
Canada’s past, where cooperation was needed so that everyone remained the
same, that is, alive.
Northrop Frye, a Canadian philosophical and literary critic, wrote, “The
Canadian genius is the ability to work out strange hybrids.”
Canada is a unique place, one developed through the genius of determined
minds overcoming seemingly insurmountable contradictions.”
ARMOUR, Leslie, The Idea of Canada, and the Crisis of Community, Ottawa,
Steel Rail Publishing, 1981.
ARMOUR, Leslie, Economic Rights and Philosophical Anthropology, in
William Sweet (ed.), Philosophical Theory and the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights, Ottawa, University of Ottawa, 2003.
ARMOUR, Leslie — TROTT, Elizabeth, The Faces of Reason, An Essay on
Philosophy and Culture in English Canada, 1850-1950, Waterloo, ON,
Wilfred Laurier University, 1981.
BISSOONDATH, Neil, Selling Illusions, the Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada,
Toronto, Penguin Books, 1994.
BLACK, Dan, Harry Livingstone’s Forgotten Men: Canadians and the Chinese
Labour Corp in the First World War, Toronto, James Lorimer Ltd., 2019.
BONESTEEL, Sarah, Canada’s Relationship with the Inuit: A History of
Policy and Programme Development, Canada, Department of Indian and
Northern Affairs, 2008.
BozEMAN, Adda B., The Future of Law in a Multicultural World, Princeton
NJ, Princeton University, 1971.
COLOMBO, John Robert, The Northrop Frye Quote Book, Toronto, Dundurn,
DIAMOND, Beverly — WITMER, Robert (eds.), Canadian Music, Issues of
Hegemony and Identity, Toronto, Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc., 1994.
ELDER, Bruce R., Image and Identity, Reflections on Canadian Film and
Culture, Waterloo, ON, Wilfred Laurier University, 1988.
Mistakes are made; apologizing is the most efficient way to avoid confrontation.
74 John Robert Colombo, The Northrop Frye Quote Book, Toronto, Dundurn, 2014, 20.
I thank very much the determined minds who read this paper and provided useful comments
and corrections: John Leslie, Professor Emeritus of philosophy, Lucan Gregory, PhD. LLB/
BLC, Luke Bowman, MA., Ellen Michelson, M.A.T., Paul Treciokas, B. Eng.