OCR Output


methodological foundation of the VIA. They are drawn from Sociology
of knowledge (Berger, Luckmann) from Grounded Theory (Strauss), from
Hermeneutic Case Reconstruction, from Objective Hermeneutics (Oevermann),
from Conversation Analysis (Sacks, Schegloff, Jefferson) and also from Symbolic
Interactionism (Blumer).


Conversation (Strauss)

(Sacks/Schlegloff, Symbolic
Jefferson) Interactionism
Hermeneutic Case Structural/Objective
Reconstruction Hermeneutics
(Fischer) (Oevermann)

Figure 1. The background methodology of the VIA

This is the base of the methodically controlled analysis of the complexity and
multifacetedness of image and language. The methodology was significantly
implemented at the University of Kassel, amongst others in the laboratory for
Case Analysis by Wolfram Fischer’, as well as in various research contexts
like in the dissertation of the authors* who applied it in differing contexts,
differentiated and advanced.

3 W. Fischer, Rekonstruktive Videoanalyse. Wahrnehmungs- und interaktionstheoretische
Grundlagen, Methoden, 2009, http://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:heb
is:34-2009032326755, accessed 11 September 2015.

4 J. Miiller, Coaching: Biografie und Interaktion, Eine empirische Studie zum Coach in
Ausbildung, Opladen, Barbara Budrich, 2006.; E. Schwedhelm, Rekonstruktive Analysen von
interkulturellen Beratungsgesprächen in Uganda, Interaktionsanalysen in der internationalen
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Kassel, Kassel University Press, 2008.; D. Bayas-Linke,
Organisation und Interaktion: Rekonstruktion von Führung, Videointeraktionsanalyse und
Systemtheorie, eine empirische Komplementarität, Kassel, Kassel University Press, 2009.

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