OCR Output


Competences*. The complexity of supervision — supporting individuals, groups
or teams, mono- or multidisciplinary, compulsory or freely chosen, as part of
professional training, self paid or provided by the employer, more counselling
or more consulting-like, in the different fields of psychological counselling,
psychotherapy, psychiatric, clinic, social work, social-pedagogic and education,
administration, science and culture or business: all these different parameters
make it difficult to compare research or give summaries of results. Supervision
is a complex endeavour, influenced by multiple parameters and can be looked
at from various perspectives and described by different models’.

..needs multi-perspective and multi-method Research

Considering this complexity, supervision research is faced with enormous
challenges. So many variables have to be regarded, e.g. Petzold® postulated 18
influencing factors on the supervision process, based on the systemic Model
of Holloway’. This makes clear, that simple research designs are too narrow
for describing and investigating counselling processes. We need qualitative
data to get first impressions and create hypothesises on the subject. And
we need quantitative research designs to provide a broader data base and
to proof hypothesises and theories emerging from the qualitative view. All
these data have to be collected from different points of view the perspective
of the supervisor, the supervisee, the supervisee’s team, training supervisors,
the clients of supervision, in different fields and from different settings. And:
Results of the process of supervision on the level of the contracting authority
and the level of the supervisees could also be taken into consideration.

Themes and Results of Supervision Research

Most of the current research activities in Supervision and Coaching are dealing
with the benefits of supervision and describing how useful supervision and

ANSE, ECVision, Ein Europäisches Glossar für Supervision und Coaching, 2014, www.anse.eu/
tl_files/ecvision/dokuments/EC Vision_Glossar_deutsch_englisch.pdf, accessed 18 July 2015.
Kendra L. Smith, Brief Summary of supervision Models, 2009, www.marquette.edu/education/
grad/documents/Brief-Summary-of-Supervision-Models.pdf, accessed 18 July 2015.
Hilarion Petzold, Integrative Supervision, Meta-Consulting, Organisationsentwicklung, Ein
Handbuch fiir Modelle und Methoden reflexiver Praxis, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag, 2007.
Elisabeth Holloway, Clinical supervision: A Systems Approach, Thousand Oaks, Sage Publi¬
cations, 1995.

* 100 +