OCR Output

106 | THe Puttosopuy or Eco-Potitics

obstacle to their recognition is not ignorance, but a lack of power of
imagination and self-confidence. The majority of people are incapable
of imagining any other sort of life. They experience their vulnerability
in all areas of life, so they think that their lives would collapse and their
living and security would be endangered if they tried to follow any path
other than the one assigned them by the ruling institutions. They
attempt it only if they have an idea of the life they would like to live
and hope that it can be realised.

Therefore, the most important ecological goal — which includes all
the others — is the creation of a more joyful, more fulfilling way of life.
It is only with reference to this that we can claim that we are striving
not against something, but towards the achievement of something

5. (freedom from plenty!) Everyone, if they thinks not of humanity,
but only themselves, knows on what their happiness depends.

— It primarily depends on others, on things which we cannot acquire
from them with our power or wealth, things which they can only gift
us with freely. Above all, therefore, we desire the love, appreciation,
respect and care of our fellows and need substantial, strengthening
relationships. Let us call this a need for a community.

— But we cannot be happy without good work. Our self-identity and
self-esteem are inseparably connected with seeing the value of our work,
with using and developing our abilities through it and with creating
something appreciated by others as well.

— We need the knowledge requisite for communicating with each
other and holding our own in our various social roles. We need education
so we can value and enjoy what is beautiful and for differentiating
between good and evil and important and unimportant; for arguing for
our truth. (We would need a great deal of knowledge, yet our heads are
filled with a great amount of worthless information from early

— For social institutions that ensure that we do not have to fear, not
even from strangers or our enemies. Living in security and receiving
proper treatment and assistance from our fellow-humans, acquaintances
and strangers alike, is a basic need. Let us call it the need for social

— The maintenance and restoration of our health is closely linked to
the above, but primarily to treating ourselves well. Most of our issues
arising from treating ourselves badly. Needless to say, all kinds of social
necessities, fear and lack of love play a role here as well.