(2004), Kahancová, and Nábélková (2013) include integrity among virtues and
the strengths of character. It can be considered a negative finding that only
4896 of respondents have direct experience with positive feedback, with a
positive evaluation of their work by students and parents.
c) We present the students’ achievements on the school’s website
Publication of pupils’ achievements, awards and recognition motivate and
encourages other pupils and parents to participate in activities, contributing
to the creation of a good name for the school towards the general public. Joint
creative activity motivates teachers and students, supports enthusiasm, inspires
hope, strengthens trust and gratitude, and participates in the creation ofa safe
social and emotional climate. In the conducted research, 53% of respondents
actively work on publishing the achievements of students, and up to 76.67% of
respondents are aware of the importance of the applied element for a creative
and safe school and classroom climate.
d) Physical and mental condition is an important pillar of my mission —
Self-perception and self-evaluation belong to the teacher’s self-evaluation
processes. Respect for oneself and one’s identity, contribute to positive inter¬
personal relationships. Relationships are created in a calm and balanced climate
of the school and classroom. By processing the statements of secondary school
teachers, we can evaluate the fact that up to 96.67% of respondents take care
of their mental and physical health. Health was assigned by Norrish, and Selig¬
man (2015) as the sixth element of Health in PERMA (in Moore, 2021).
Since teaching practice is a demanding profession in which a teacher can
quickly lose motivation and enthusiasm, Felcmanova (2021) recommends sup¬
porting the well-being of teachers across the board, especially maintaining
their psychological, physical and social health. In connection with the princi¬
ples of a positive approach to education, Seligman (2012) and Goleman (2017)
support the creation of resilience in educators in their courses. Resilience and
its support represent prevention against stress and exhaustion from complet¬
ing demanding tasks, and helps health with a proactive approach.
Success for teachers means:
— participation of students, teachers, and parents in school life,
— a free and creative climate,
— recognition of pedagogical work,
— teacher support from the school management.