in case of failure, experienced failure and motivation for further performance
was demonstrated. The addressed students rated hope highly, which is a stra¬
tegic emotion in which lies faith, trust, conviction, and persistence that eve¬
rything will turn out well, which sets goals, but also learns from mistakes. This
is also confirmed by the way to hope, according to Krfivohlavy (2010), that is,
a positively and concretely formulated aim of current mood leading to the
strengthening of motivation.
Appreciation of pupils’ efforts
Motivation is influenced by praise and appreciation of effort. Expression of
sincere joy, according to Zelina (2018), comes from praise, appreciation,
gratitude for the interest and a positive, personal approach of the teacher. Joy,
and gratitude during the teaching process in the survey are felt by slightly more
than half of the high-school students. According to the quoted author, the
deficit manifests itself in disinterest, boredom and even resignation, which
leads to a reluctance to attend school, which leads to demotivation and indif¬
ference to aggression. Half of the students’ negative opinions on this statement
in the survey hide a mixture of stated feelings. Zelina compares them to hos¬
tility against the institution, pupils and teachers. Half of the respondents state
that they lose effort, interest, joy, happiness, creativity, and authenticity in the
learning process and only the formal side of learning prevails.
A high-school student can accurately identify the source of his positive and negative
emotions. In the survey, the source of emotions is teacher-pupil and pupil-society
interaction. Adolescents in the survey are proud of the school they have chosen,
they feel hope and support from teachers in supplementing their knowledge, com¬
petencies, and vice versa, but not all of them feel the responsibility to complete
assignments on time, which reduces the joy and satisfaction of completing tasks. A
serious finding is the fact that the pupils do not feel appreciation of their efforts by
the teachers and are little motivated through praise and positive evaluation.
E - Pupils’ interest in the activity
Method and level of assigning tasks to students
Seligman (2014) uses the identification of characteristic features of adolescent
personality at school as an element of positive psychology through an entrance
questionnaire to the program of positive education of pupils. Only then does
he work in youth courses. In the environment of the investigated schools,
students do not feel the identification or support of their personality traits,
because according to the survey of their opinions, up to half of the students
do not agree with the given statement. The assigned tasks cause problems for