OCR Output


knowledge of man, continued to focus mainly on the cognitive side and its
knowledge performance, or will, characterized by human actions. According
to the pedagogical anthropologist Malik (2013), it focused primarily on the
intellectual side, i.e. permanent knowledge, and secondarily on the emotional
area, i.e. temporary knowledge.

According to Malik, the opinion rehabilitation of the area of emotional
experience in the educational process took place quite late, he points out the
verdict of the current sciences about man, in which man is no longer primar¬
ily a thinking being, but an emotional being who is capable of thinking pre¬
cisely because he has feelings. Emotions and emotional states stimulate think¬
ing and acting in the real world. According to the author, emotions are
awakened from apathy, they stimulate activity and subsequently encourage a
feeling to the world that opens up to the student, who, in turn, makes himself
available to knowledge itself (Malik, 2013).

Positive education focuses on issues of happiness, well-being, friendship, joy, positive
thinking, cooperation, trust, optimism, humility, enthusiasm, interest, creativity,
resilience, altruism, empathy, forgiveness, the meaning of life, etc.

These concepts are only very marginally included in the current educational
process in the daily educational activities of the teacher and the student’s
learning activities. Positive education has its potential, the main idea of which
is the well-being of pupils and students, which supports their education and
develops them to be good people and citizens. A good school is not only aimed
at achieving students’ academic potential but also aims to develop students’
personalities so that they become caring, responsible and ultimately productive
and valid members of society and in life.

In the context of positive psychology, positive education can be defined as education
for traditional life skills and education for a happy person. Positive education is
based on the best teaching strategies to help students achieve the best educational
outcomes, paired with aspects of positive psychology that promote student safety
and well-being.

Positive psychological interventions include decision-making, problem-solving
skills, relaxation, and creative brainstorming. Using this knowledge in positive
education improves mental health and well-being, reduces depression and
anxiety, and improves academic success and creative thinking, eliminating
student stress. The contribution of positive psychology to pedagogical activities
is mainly in approaches and strategies that appreciate humanistic teaching.

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