School Satisfaction
About 759 of students like their school at least a little.
Approximately 2596 of students do not like their school very much or at
all. The number of students who do not like school has been decreasing
since 2006, mainly due to improved attitudes among boys. School atti¬
tude tends to decline slightly with age. While there is an improvement
when students enter secondary schools, the proportion of those who like
school drops by half in the highest grade.
Schoolwork pressure
Almost 66% of students feel school tasks are somewhat burdensome.
About 10% of students find school expectations overwhelming, with
girls experiencing this more than boys. The highest stress levels occur in
the upper grade of secondary schools, affecting nearly 50% of the stu¬
dents. In contrast, in the 5"" grade of primary schools only 25% of stu¬
dents report high stress.
Teacher Support
The level of perceived teacher support is stronger than moderate. Still, it
has shown a declining trend over the past three data collections between
Only about 33% of students think their teachers provide high-level sup¬
port. Girls perceive less teacher support compared to boys.
Perceived classmate support is also stronger than moderate and is
slightly higher in the 5" and 9" grades.
However, the proportion of students reporting high classmate support
has been decreasing since 2014, currently at around 40%. Girls perceive
lower support levels among the classmates than boys.