OCR Output


Malhotra, Shubhra - Alagh, Tavishi: „Dreaming the Nation: Domestic dramas in Hindi
films post-1990.” South Asian Popular Culture, 2. évf., 1,2014, 19-37. https://doi.

Mankekar, Purnima: Screening culture, viewing politics: An ethnography of television, wom¬
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Manuel, Peter: Cassette culture: Popular music and technology in North India. University of
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Maurya, Prashant - Kumar, Nagendra: „Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi and its topi¬
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McLain, Karline: Visual and Media Culture. In Hatcher, Brian A. (szerk.): Hinduism in
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Mitra, Saayan: ,#ModiWithAkshay: ’Brand Modi’, social media and Bollywood star
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Mishra, Vijay: Understanding Bollywood. In Fortner, Robert S. - Fackler, P. Mark (sze¬
rk.): The Handbook of Global Communication and Media Ethics. Wiley Blackwell,
Malden és Oxford, 2011, 577-602. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781444390629.ch31

Narain, Priyanka: ,Repackaged Ramayana Looks at Sita’s Perspective, Environmen¬
tal Issues.” Live Mint. 2008. januär 20. https://www.livemint.com/Consumer/

Nath, Deepanjana: „Keeping the flame alive: What made Deepa Mehta’s Fire such a
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Osuri, Goldie: , Secular Interventions/Hinduized Sovereignty:(Anti) Conversion and
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Pal, Joyojeet, Chandra, Preeti - Vydiswaran, Vinayak: „Twitter and the Rebranding of
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Pauwels, Heidi: The Goddess as Role Model. Sita and Radha in Scripture and on Screen.
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