OCR Output


Nguyen Vän Binh (Muc su) (2011): Lich str 100 nam Tin Lanh Viêt Nam [A vietnámi
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Vargyas, Gabor (2008a): Quiconque voulait s’imposer à nous, nous avons accepté son
pouvoir. In Frédéric Mantienne — Keith W. Taylor (eds.): Monde du Viet-Nam. /
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Vargyas Gabor (2008b): Dacolva az elkeriilhetetlennel. Egy kézép-vietnami hegyi
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Vargyas, Gabor (2012): Caught in the crossfire. The Bru and the Vietnam War as
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Vargyas, Gabor (2016): ,,Up” and,,Down”. ,,Zomia” and the Bru of the Central Vietnamese
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