HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH LINGUISTIC CONTRASTS. A PRACTICAL APPROACH translation is possible, but some texts are easy, and some are difficult to translate, and there are some texts (puns, jokes, advertisements, slogans, poems) that cannot be translated at all. Consider the following: — Mi a különbség Spanyolország és Magyarország között? — (Nem tudom.) — Semmi: nálunk is Lopez, meg Lopaz, mégis minden frankó. Clearly, this joke cannot be translated into English; it can only be replaced by another joke, as in the following example: — My wife’s gone to the West Indies. — (A feleségem) Indonéziába utazott. — Jamaica? — Dzsakarta? — No, she went of her own accord.?? — Nem is én kényszeritettem.” In the case of culture-specific items, denotative meaning can be conveyed relatively easily, even where the TL lacks a corresponding lexical item. There are several well-tried strategies (transfer operations) that can be used. Consider this sentence from a restaurant guide: Bryndzové halusky This is the Slovak classic! Bryndzové halusky is considered a national dish. It is made out of potato dumplings, sheep cheese called “bryndza”, sour cream, and bacon.** The English text borrows the Slovak word, and then explains it. If we want to translate it into Hungarian, we can choose from among several transfer operations: Borrowing bryndzové halusky Borrowing + translation/explanation bryndzové halusky, azaz juhtúrós galuska Calgue juhtúrós galuska Paraphrase burgonyás/krumplis galuska, tipikus szlovák étel, amelyre juhtúrót és szalonnapörcöt tesznek; Magyarországon sztrapacska néven ismerik Adaptation túróscsusza; sajtostészta "2 Wodehouse, P.G. 2008. Uncle Dynamite, London, Arrow. The pronunciation of Jamaica is very similar to that of Did you make her as pronounced in rapid speech. °3 Wodehouse, P.G. 2006. Dinamit bácsi, Translated by Révbíró, T. Budapest: Európa. 94 https://www.itinari.com/5-traditional-dishes-you-need-to-try-in-slovakia-e4x2. Accessed 04.11.2020. * 198 +