Baup KoBAEBA TantaxHaxu ha3p-ycHa coKYCHOH Mepray, 00x ha3pHHHb KHINOTT ŐarT2K, XOBT9 Xuphr surx MHoBHa. Anekcanıp banmaeBny HaHTHH YJIITYp KeBTo Keyr Ons: «Tapınro knıurto TarıtaxH». Arıbma YOyımeBHa 6OJIXJIa HHTIXK KEJINMH: KKHINOT TanraxHa 699H93. Kuıurta ha3p. Ke39 aura TarraxHa 2 GypxHnau 3anbBpax ÂOBTH». Oxrs uarr TarraxHa xypr1 Tocxrxx HoBHa. 40 hap xunx JInxux epk-Gyax TarTaXHa oHTAH Haha JIopk, HohanH JIopk xaıharıpk 699H9. «Mana 9K-91[KHH TOBCH anıhap Kyurax. TartaxHa XxypJI TOCXTICH UarT, xofp Jlapk XyprinaHn onx. Ke3aH9 JIAMHH KEJIYKCH 3aaBp KYUOTJDK HoBHa. Taııım ToMaH XxyplIbIH Tyy»Ka TaJITaxHa JHTHH xOMp /lopkur spynop xarxhncx Byypr 55xuH, AnsMa YOyınmeBHa, ArıekcaHnıp baıMaeBHUHH TyCKap GHUX, MOHKPYJIXHT MAJH, KOBYJI-KYYKA, AHP-3CCHP, LYTTAH cypxap CeJpKOHOBU AH», — THXK bora AneKcaHpoOBHa KeJIHO. XasIbMr XyPJIMYbIH Oath TYY2%K HIHHOKJIX Har HPB. DH KOJUIMIII 3pK OU OH OMTHA TYCTa KEpr. Resume The Story of the Preservation of the Tärä Images and Shrines of Taltakhin Khurul Tashi Gomang Monastery. The history of Buddhism in Kalmykia means also the history of Buddhist monasteries and temples (khuruls). In 1911, a wooden khurul, Tashi Gomang was built. It was also known as Taltakhin Khurul, and was one of the largest and most beautiful Ahurul. There were 17 monks in it: 7 fully-ordained monks (Kalm. gelng), 5 novices (gec/) and 5 tea-preparers (mandzhik). The last monk of the khurul was Legshid-bagsh. He left this world on the eve of the destruction of the khurul. In 1933, during the period of mass repressions, the temple was closed, demolished and looted, but two Taltakhin shrines — devoted to the White Tara and the Green Tara — were saved thanks to Mukabenova Elzyat Papayevna. Later these two shrines found themselves in the Lidzhiev family when she married. When the Kalmyks were exiled to Siberia in 1943, Elzyat Papayevna took the images from the shrines out, and then in 1957 brought these deities to her homeland. Being in old age, she bequeathed her daughter-in-law, Alma Ubushievna, to keep and protect the images, to give people the opportunity to worship and receive the blessings of these deities. Alma Ubushievna kept her covenants strictly for more than a quarter of a century until her death. 39HrUHp Canjpxuega bona Anexcanyposua, YHhu Teopay 1969 xx. Jlumxuesa Hanexna Axekcanrpogxa, Haha Hyp 1949 x. 332