OCR Output


portance (Narobanchen, Tsagaan gegeen). Almost absent in archival sources, the
Uriankhai reincarnated lamas of the past play an important role in the local memory
as personalities generating fortune for future generations. This article focuses on the
Altai Uriankhai Right Banner (present-day Bulgan district, Bayan-Olgii province,
Monkhkhairkhan district in Khowd province, Chingel in Xinjiang) and has two
objectives. In its first part it attempts to compare and organize highly fragmentary
information from the oral tradition and scarcely preserved archival sources. It can
serve as an example of the use of oral tradition as a source for writing Mongolian
local history. The second part analyses oral narratives about the reincarnated lamas
according to their structure and meaning for the community. It offers a reflexion of
the Oirat popular understanding of the tu/ku phenomenon.

Acknowledgement: Writing this paper was supported by the project of the Czech
Science Foundation GA19—-07619S: Mongolian ritual manuscripts in a Czech col¬
lection: their edition, history and Central Asian roots.

Hom 3yù

BHXAY THA 3-210-4575-19.

BHXAY THA 3-210-4580-66.

MVYTA, XA-4, J1-1, XH-414, nyranGap 6.

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MYYTA, X-168, I-1, XH-58, 3r.

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