impure vision: introduces the karmic vision or samsara, the six realms or states
of suffering
vision of experience: introduces the experiences of a practitioner (“one pointed¬
ness” and “clear discrimination”)
— pure vision: introduces the experience of an accomplished being, a Buddha!°
Initiation, Generation Stage, Completion Stage
aim is to introduce to the student the Body, Speech, Mind and primordial Wisdom
of the enlightened state which is in the form of the Deity Hevajra.
Generation stage: this state (outer mandala practice) is basically comprises visu¬
alization and mantra recitation and daily activity yogas (such like yoga of eating,
sleeping, waking and so on), the aim is to attain one-pointedness through clarity.
Completion stage: inner mandala practice (usually in retreat) which is basically
generation of inner heat (Tib. gtum mo). The aim is to control the vital energies
and integrating the generated visualized mandala into the inner so called Vajra¬
body, which is energy system of the physical body. Then the bliss is the state
which is the starting point of the higher level of meditations like Mahamudra.
Through that on this level Buddhahood or enlightenment can be achieved.