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text in an unpublished manuscript (1977). The only English translation from Tibetan
was made by Constance Hoog.®

It was not recorded how deeply Jingjim wanted to study Buddhism but ‘Phags pa
Lama’s The Explanation of the Knowable could be a good basics for him. In 1286,
shortly after beginning his Buddhist studies, Jingim died. Eight years later his father,
Kubilai died, too. His grandchild, Temiir became his successor who ruled as emperor
Cheng Zong (1294-1307).


Bsod nams rgyal mtshan: Rgyal rabs gsal ba’i me long. Mi rigs Dpe skrun khang,
Beijing 1981.

Kun dga’ chos legs: Answers to the Questions of Sken dha from Europe (Tib. Rgya gar
rum yul pa sken dhas dris lan). In: Terjék, Jozsef (ed.): Tibetan Compendia Written
for Csoma de Körös by the Lamas of Zang-dkar. (Sata-pitaka Series, Volume 231)
New Delhi 1976, pp. 16-7, ff. 47-85.

‘Phags pa bla ma: Shes bya rab gsal (The Explanation of the Knowable). In: Sa skya
bka’ ‘bum, vol. pa, ff. 1r—35v (vol. XIII), VI, 1-18. The reprinting of the entire col¬
lection: Bsod nams Rgya mtsho (ed.): The Complete Works of the Great Masters of
the Sa skya sect. Toyo Bunko, Tokyo 1966.

Tshal pa kun dga rdo rje: Deb ther dmar po. Ed.: Guiseppe Tucci. Roma 1971.


Jing, Anning: The Portraits of Khubilai Khan and Chabi by Anige (1245-1306), a Ne¬
pali Artist at the Yuan Court. Artibus Asiae Vol. 54, No. 1/2, 1994, pp. 40-86.

Bsod nams Rgya mtsho (ed.): The Complete Works of the Great Masters of the Sa skya
sect. Toyo Bunko, Tokyo 1966.

Buswell, Robert E. Jr. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Macmillan Reference USA,
Thomson Gale, New York — Detroit — San Diego — Cleveland — New Haven, Conn.
— Waterville, Maine — London — Munich 2004.

Clauson, Gerard: The HP’ags-pa Alphabet. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and
African Studies Vol. 22, No. 1/3, 1959, pp. 300-323.

% Szerb, Janos: Gosses. Unpublished manuscript 1977.

55 Prince Jing-gim s Textbook of Tibetan Buddhism: The Shes-bya rab-gsal (Jieya-prakasa) by ‘Phags-pa
Blo-gros rgyal-mtshan dPal-bzang-po of the Sa-skya-pa. Translated and annotated by Constance Hoog.
E. J. Brill, Leiden 1983.