OCR Output


Balázs, Bálint — Balogh, Lili — Réthy, Katalin 2021. "Merre tovább, agroökológia? Az
agroökolögia magyarországi helyzete, szereplői és a fejlődési irányai" IWhither from
here, agroecology? The position, actors, and developmental trends of agroecology in
Hungary]. Fordulat, 29/2: 243-267.

Berg, Peter — Dasmann, Raymond 1977. Reinhabiting California. The Ecologist, 7/10:

Borlaug, Norman 2007. “Feeding a hungry world”. Science, 318/5849: 359.

Carlile, Rachel — Kessler, Matthew — Garnett, Tara 2021. What is food sovereignty?
TABLE Explainers. https://www.doi.org/10.56661/f07b52cc

Carlile, Rachel — Garnett, Tara 2021. What is agroecology? TABLE Explainers. https://

Czirfusz, Marton — Ivanics, Zséfia — Kovai, Cecilia - Meszmann, T. Tibor 2019. “A
magyarországi munkásság a hosszú lejtmenetben" [The long descent of the Hungarian
workers]. Fordulat, 26: 142-171.

Daly, Herman 2007. Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development: Selected Essays
of Herman Daly. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar.

Dodge, Jim 1981. Living by life: Some bioregional theory and practice. CoEvolution.
Quarterly, 32, 6-12.

Ericksen, Polly J. 2008. “Conceptualizing food systems for global environmental change
research”. Global Environmental Change, 18/1: 234-245. DOI:10.1016/j.

F. Tóth, Balázs — Réthy, Katalin 2020. Az agroökológia 10 alapelve és hazai pelddi. [The
10 basic principles of agroecology and its Hungarian examples] Budapest, Védegylet

FAO 1991. FAO-Netherlands conference on agriculture and the environment: strategies
and tools for sustainable agriculture and rural development, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the
Netherlands, 15-19 April 1991.

FAO 2011. The state of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture
(SOLAW) — Managing systems at risk. London — Rome — Earthscan, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Foa, Roberto Stefan — Ekiert, Grzgorz 2017. “The Weakness of Postcommunist Civil
Society Reassessed”. European Journal of Political Research, 56: 419-439.

Fordulat 29. 2021. Elelmiszer-énrendelkezés [Food sovereignty]. http://fordulat.

Gibson-Graham, J. K. 2008. “Remarx In Rethinking Marxism’. A Journal of Economics,
Culture & Society, 20/4: 659-664. DOI: 10.1080/08935690802299579

Gibson-Graham, J. K. — Cameron, Jenny — Healy, Stephen 2013. Take back the economy.
An ethical guide for transforming our communities. Minneapolis, University of
Minnesota Press.

Holmgren, David 2002. Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability.
Hepburn, Victoria, Holmgren Design Services.

Houtart, François 2010. Agrofuels: Big Profits, Ruined Lives and Ecological Destruction.
Amsterdam, Pluto Press.

Jacobsson, Kerstin (ed.) 2015. Urban Grassroots Movements in Central and Eastern Europe.
London, Routledge.

Jehliéka, Petr — Antié, Branko — Danëk, Petr — Domazet, Mladen 2021. “Beyond hardship
and joy: framing home gardening on insights from the European semi-periphery”.
Geoforum 126: 150-158.

Jehlicka, Petr — Danék, Petr — Vavra, Jan 2019. “Rethinking Resilience: Home Gardening,
Food Sharing and Everyday Resistance”. Canadian Journal of Development Studies/
Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 40/4: 511-527.