OCR Output


Statistician and economist Ernst Friedrich Schumacher says that small is beautiful: his
vision is that of a more sustainable and ethically functioning world. It is proof of the
lasting validity of the work that modern society’s constraints of growth and
consumption still inflict extremely heavy damage on the planet. Focusing on energy
resources, the author tries to restore economic ideas on the foundation of a humane
world. He praises the small, which is not only beautiful, but also forms the basis for
the survival and development of the planet in the long run.

Recommended documentary

Morgan, Faith (dir.) 2006. The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil.

Access: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeM5emtaVCO0

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Cuban society had to introduce
environmental and social reforms. It set a goal of economic transformation that would
be independent of non-renewable resources. Through phases of the introduction and
implementation of communal solutions, the consequences of state intervention can
be properly studied.


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Buka, Virág — Domschitz, Mätyäs — Fabók, Márton — Gagyi, Ágnes — Lafferton, Sára —
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Fordulat, 27: 3-5. http://fordulat.net/pdf/27/FORDULAT27_BEVEZETO.pdf

Dominelli, Lena (ed.) 2018. The Routledge Handbook of Green Social Work. London — New
York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Goodall, Jane - Abrams, Douglas — Gail, Hudson 2021. The Book of Hope. A Survival
Guide for Trying Times]. New York, Celadon Books.

Ilés, Maria 2021. A tarsadalmi vällalkozäs &s a tarsadalmi innovacié kapcsolata [Connections
between social undertakings and social innovation]. In Siklos T., Tamas (ed.): Tärsadalmi
innováció — társadalmi jólét. Budapest, Ludovika Egyetemi Kiadó, 59—72.

Jones, Peter 2010. “Responding to the ecological crisis: Transformative pathways for social
work education”. Journal of Social Work Education, 46/1: 67-84. https://doi.

Schumacher, Ernst Friedrich 1973. Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People
Mattered. London, Blond & Briggs.

Settmann-Frese, Werner — Hill, Stuart B. 2018. From Social Work Towards Sustainability
Work. Academia Letters preprint. https://www.academia.edu/43775503/From_
Social Work towards Sustainability. Work

Szöllősi, Gábor 2015. , A szociális munka új, 2014-es globális definíciója" [The new, 2014
global definition of social work]. Párbeszéd: Szociális Munka Folyóirat, 2/1. https://ojs.

Veresné, Somosi Mariann — Balaton, Károly 2021. A társadalmi innováció folyamatának
mérési módszertana és a Társadalmi Innováció Irányítási Rendszer jellemzői
[Measuring the method of the process of social innovation and the characteristics of
the Social Innovation Control System]. In Siklos T., Tamas (ed.): Társadalmi innováció
— társadalmi jólét. Budapest, Ludovika Egyetemi Kiadó, 27—42.