OCR Output


Recommended literature

Silvern, Steven E. — Davis, Edward H. (ed.) 2021. Religion, Sustainability, and Place.
Moral Geographies of the Anthropocene. Singapore, Palgrave Macmillan.

This volume of studies belongs to works which explore the relations between religion,
faith and sustainability. Its special focus is the geographic approach, the conviction
that place is of key importance on this issue: a religious worldview ascribes a meaning
to a place and influences how it and the natural environment should be treated. The
essays in the book list examples and case studies about religions in diverse places of
the world.

Taylor, Bron 2010. Dark Green Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Planetary Future.
Berkeley, University of California Press. https://doi.org/10.1525/9780520944459

In this book, researcher of religions Bron Taylor examines late 20th century green
religiosity, the green revolution of religions, and the groups exercising it.


Aitamurto, Kaarina — Simpson, Scott (eds.) 2013. Modern Pagan and Native Faith
Movements in Central and Eastern Europe. Durham, Acumen.

Albanese, Catherine 1991. Nature Religion in America: From the Algonkian Indians to the
New Age. Chicago — London, The University of Chicago Press.

Batchelor, Martine — Brown, Kerry (eds.) 1992 Buddhism and Ecology. London, Cassell.

Baumann, Whitney A. — Bohannon I, Richard R. — O’Brien, Kevin J. 2011. Grounding
Religion: A Field Guide to the Study of Religion and Ecology. London, Routledge.

Beyer, Peter 1998. ‘Globalization and the Religion of Nature’. In Pearson, Roberts and

Samuel, (eds.): Nature Religion Today: Paganism in the Modern World. Edinburgh:
Edinburgh University Press, 11-21.

Bowman, Marion 2009. From Glastonbury to Hungary: Contemporary Integrative
Spirituality and Vernacular Religion in Context. In Vargyas, Gabor (ed.): Passageways:
From Hungarian Ethnography to European Ethnology and Sociocultural Anthropology.
Budapest — Pécs, Department of European Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology,
The University of Pécs — LHarmattan Publishing House, 195-221.

Breuilly, Elisabeth — Palmer, Martin (eds.) 1992. Christianity and Ecology. London,

Deudney, Daniel 1995. In Search of Gaian Politics: Earth’s Religion’s Challenge to
Modern Western Civilization. In Taylor, Bron Raymond (ed.): Ecological Resistance
Movements. Albany, State University of New York Press, 282-300.

Eaton, Heather 2017. The Challenges of Worldview Transformation: “To Rethink and
Refeel Our Origins and Destiny”. In LeVasseur, Todd — Peterson, Anna (ed.): Religion
and Ecological Crisis: The ‘Lynn White Thesis’ at Fifty. London — New York, Routledge,

Farkas, Judit 2017. Levdlni a kéldékzsinérrél. Ökofalvak Magyarorszägon. [Severing the
umbilical cord: Ecovillages in Hungary] Budapest: L'Harmattan.

Gardner, Gary 2002. Invoking the Spirit: Religion and Spirituality in the Quest for a
Sustainable World. New York, Worldwatch Institute.

Gottlieb, Roger S. 2017. Religious Environmentalism and Environmental Activism. In
Hart, John (ed.): The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Ecology. Hoboken,
NJ, Wiley-Blackwell, 439-456.

Gottlieb, Roger S. 2006a. A Greener Faith: Religious Environmentalism and Our Planet’s
Future. Oxford, Oxford University Press.