OCR Output


Felhasznált irodalom

Babai Dániel — Borsos Balázs 2017. Ecological Anthropological Research in Hungary.

Ethnographica Hungarica 62 (1). DOI: 10.1556/022.2017.62.1.1

Berg, Peter 2002. Bioregionalism: An Introduction. http://www.planetdrum.org/biore¬

Bodley, John H. 2002. Anthropology and Global Environmental Change. In Munn,
Robert Edward (ed.): Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change. Chichester,
John Wiley & Sons.

Borsos Balázs 2004. Elefánt a hídon. Gondolatok az ökológiai antropológiáról. Buda¬
pest, LHarmattan.

Brightman, Marc — Lewis, Jerome 2017. Introduction: The Anthropology of Sustainability:
Beyond Development and Progress. In uök (eds.): The Anthropology of Sustainability.
Beyond Development and Progress. New York, Palgrave, 1-34.

Brosius, Peter 2001. The Politics of Ethnographic Presence: Sites and Topologies in the
Study of Transnational Movements. In Crumley, Carole L. — Deventer, Elisabeth A.
van — Fletcher, Joseph J. (eds.): New Directions in Anthropology and Environment.
Intersections. Walnut Creek, AltaMira Press, 150-176.

Crate, Susan A. — Nuttal, Mark 2009. Anthropology and Climate Change. From Encounters
to Actions. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press.

Crumley, Carole L. 2001. Introduction. In Crumley, Carole L. —- Deventer, Elisabeth A. van
— Fletcher, Joseph J. (eds.): New Directions in Anthropology and Environment.
Intersections. Walnut Creek, AltaMira Press.

Crumley, Carole L. — Deventer, Elisabeth A. van — Fletcher, Joseph J. (eds.) 2001. New Directions
in Anthropology and Environment. Intersections. Walnut Creek, AltaMira Press.

Descola, Philippe 2013. Beyond Nature and Culture. Chicago, Chicago University Press.

Diamond, Jared 2004. Összeomlás. Tanulságok a társadalmak továbbéléséhez. Budapest,

Harris, Marvin 2003: Az indiai szent tehén ökológiája. In Biczo Gabor (szerk.):
Antropológiai irányzatok a második világháború után. Debrecen, Csokonai, 30-51.

Heise, Ursula K. 2008. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet. The environmental imagina¬
tion of the global. New York, Oxford University Press.

Homer-Dixon, Thomas 2004. Környezet, szűkösség, erőszak. Budapest, Typotex.

Hubbell, J. Andrew — Ryan, John C. 2022. Introduction to the Environmental Humanities.
History and theory. In u6k (eds.): Introduction to the Environmental Humanities.
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, 1-18.

Kempton, Willett 2001. Cognitive Anthropology and the Environment. In Crumley,
Carole L. — Deventer, Elisabeth A. van — Fletcher, Joseph J. (eds.): New directions in
Anthropology and Environment. Intersections. Walnut Creek, AltaMira Press, 49-71.

Kiss Ádám 2012. Környezet &s fenntarthatösäg. In uö (szerk.): A környezettan alapjai.
Budapest, ELTE TTK - Typotex. http://etananyag.ttk.elte.hu/FiLeS/downloads/EJ¬

Kottak, Conrad P. 1999. The New Ecological Anthropology. American Anthropologist,
101/1: 23-35. https://w ww.jstor.org/stable/683339

Latour, Bruno 2013. Facing Gaia: Eight Lectures on the New Climatic Regime. London,