OCR Output


Felhasznált irodalom

Bird, Rose Deborah - Doreen, Thom Van - Chrulew, Matthew — Cooke, Stuart — Kearnes,
Matthew — O’Gorman, Emily 2012. Thinking through the Environment, Unsettling
the Humanities. Environmental Humanities, 1: 1-5.

Carson, Rachel 1962. The Silent Spring. London, Hamish Hamilton.

Castree, Noel 2021. Environmental humanities. In Richardson, Douglas — Castree, Noel
— Goodchild, Michael F. — Kobayashi, Audrey — Liu, Weidong — Marston, Richard A.
(eds.): The International Encyclopedia of Geography. Chichester, UK, John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg2127

Colebrook, Claire 2015. Introduction. Anthropocene Feminisms: Rethinking the
Unthinkable. philoSOPHIA 5/2 (Summer): 167-178.

Emmett, Robert S. — Nye, David E. 2017. The Emergence of Environmental Humanities.
In udk (eds.): The Environmental Humanities: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge,
Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 1-22.

Gaard, Greta 2017. Where Is Feminism in the Environmental Humanities? In Serpil
Oppermann - Serenella Iovino (eds.): Environmental humanities: voices from the
anthropocene. London, Rowman & Littlefield International, 81-97.

Glied Viktor 2016. A halványtól a mélyzöldig. A globális környezetvédelmi mozgalom
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Guha, Ramachandra 2000. Environmentalism. A global history. New Delhi, Oxford
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Hancz Csaba 2021. A mikrobiom globális szerepe a , One Health" megközelítésmód
szerint. Acta Agraria Kaposväriensis 25/1: 41-59. DOI: 10.31914/aak.2512

Haraway, Donna 2003. The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant
Otherness. Vol. 1. Chicago, Prickly Paradigm Press.

Hubbell, J. Andrew — Ryan, John C. 2022. Introduction to the Environmental Humanities.
History and theory. In Hubbell, J. Andrew — Ryan, John C.: Introduction to the
Environmental Humanities. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge, 1-18.

Kottak, Conrad P. 1999. The New Ecological Anthropology. American Anthropologist,
Vol. 101, No. 1. 23-35. https://www.jstor.org/stable/683339

Latour, Bruno 1993. We Have Never Been Modern. Transl. Catherine Porter. Cambridge,
Harvard University Press.

Latour, Bruno 2014. Agency at the Time of the Anthropocene. New Literary History 45:

Leopold, Aldo 1949. A Sand County Almanac. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Marsh, George Perkins 1864. Man and Nature: or, Physical geography as. London,
Sampson Low, Son and Marston.

Morton, Timothy 2010. The Ecological Thought. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.

Nash, Roderick 1967. Wilderness and the American Mind. New Haven, Yale University

Nye, David — Rugg, Linda — Flemming, James — Emmett, Robert 2013. The Emergence of
the Environmental Humanities. Stockholm, Mistra.

Oppermann, Serpil — Iovino, Serenella 2017. Introduction: The Environmental
Humanities and the Challenges of the Anthropocene. In uők (eds.): Environmental
humanities: voices from the anthropocene. London, Rowman & Littlefield
International, 1-21.