OCR Output


In this town there is another quarry of the white indurated clay,
which is here likewife ufed for building ; it is nat cellular, like that
of Tokay, but almoft as foft as chalk ; carefully examined, and with
a lens, fome fine black mica may be perceived. My hoft cultivates
the Yatis tinGoria for making indigo. I flayed here two or three
days in hopes of his return, but I was altogether deprived of the

advantages of his acquaintance.

Where civilization is backward, there the government is obliged
to extend its attention to things which at another period it leaves ta
the care of the public. In Hungary, as in fome other countries,
the health of the public is an obje& of care of government ; and in
each county there is a phyfician appointed and paid by it, who has
furgeons under him. In the fmaller towns the phyfician’s falary is
forty pounds a year, and the furgeon’s twenty, befides other advan¬

tages, and their practice. At Uihelly the Sclavonian language begins

to be general.

July sth, I fet out for Telkobanya; the vineyards foon difap¬
peared, and the fides of the hills were then covered with underwood
inftead of vines. The vallies between the hills were part corn,
part pafture land. The road as far as Balhafy is frightfully bad.
Here I changed horfes and ate fome eggs, the only thing the village
afforded. The peafants were met at the judge’s cottage to adjuft

fome differences concerning the extent of a field or farm. I have