OCR Output


I was as unfortunate at Uihelly as at "Tolichrä, Dr. Weis,
phyfician to the county, for whom I had letters of introdudtion, was
out, and as there was a fair here, as well as a county meeting, the
inns and alchoufes, if fuch exifted, muft have been full; but I had
no lofs in the doctor’s abfence except that of his company, for his
lady received me in the moft friendly manner, and was as kind to

me as a mother.

There are fome very high hills clofe to the town, which go under
the name of Schator; as I recolleéted to have read in Mr. Born’s
Catalogue Raifonné of: a“ Granite alteré par le feu volcanique,” from
a mountain of this name, I immediately began to hunt afterit. I
afcended two or three of the higheft, but I’ found nothing that could
be confidered by the moft fery. mineralogift to have been a granit.
I faw nothing but porphyry * of a reddifh brown ground, well
charged with particles of du/aria, and fcattered with {mall cryftals
of black Hornblende; the white particles having rather a roundifh
than a parallelopipedal form, I fufpected theni to be Lexcites, or white
Vefuvian Garnets, but they melt with the blow-pipe like Adularia,
and have a {parry appearance when viewed with.a /ens,



* Porphyrius.
Ex Jafpidé ? hepatica particulis albis fubdfaphanis Adülariæ, & fparfiscriftallis parvis
Hornblende Bafaltin®, compofitus.
‘Pubi ferruminatorii ope bafis fcoriamalbams Soconcretionesalbe-vitrum diaphanumy

