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Now the wab-priest of the Temple of Mut Paunesh has written that Pharaoh, 1.p.h., has
dispatched your father, after Pharaoh, 1.p.h., his lord, had done for him every sort of
good thing, although the officials did not leave [anything] good for him [in] the boat
which I sent to him loaded [with] salt and every entire share(?) of the Northern Region
after Tjema had sent a scow carrying him and his dues(?), but not having left anything
good for him. [Now] he told me, “It was after he departed with the overseer of the treas¬
ury and overseer of granaries Menmarenakht and the scribe of the offering table Hori
that I returned from there.”

Text edition:
Cerny, J. Late Ramesside Letters. Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca IX. Fondation Egyptologique Reine
Elisabeth, Brussels, 1939, XII-XIII, 57-60.


Wente, E. F. Late Ramesside Letters. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 33. The Uni¬
versity of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1967, 71-74¬

Allam, S. Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri aus der Ramessidenzeit. Schafik Allam, Tübingen,
1973, 303-307.

Wente, E. F. Letters from Ancient Egypt. Scholars Press, Atlanta, 1990, 174-175.


Wente, E. F. Late Ramesside Letters. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 33. The Uni¬
versity of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1967, 71-74¬

Allam, S. Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri aus der Ramessidenzeit. Schafik Allam, Tübingen,
1973, 303-307.

Janssen, J. J. Late Ramesside Letters and Communications. Hieratic Papyri in the British
Museum VI. British Museum Press, London, 1991, pls. 59-60.

Other literature:

Allam, S. Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri aus der Ramessidenzeit. Schafik Allam, Tübingen,
1973, 303-307.

Wente, E. F. Letters from Ancient Egypt. Scholars Press, Atlanta, 1990, 174-175.

Sweeney, D. “Henuttawy’s Guilty Conscience (Gods and Grain in Late Ramesside Letter
No. 37).” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 80, 1994, 208-212.