OCR Output

n pr n pr dw3.t-ntr "ah-tj n (1,7) "Jmn-R"S nswt ntrw Twdpw nswt Nfr-k3-R"-m-pr1-Jmn p3
whmw n pr-3 "nh wd3 snb h3tj-" P-sr n njw.t m pr-hd n pr Mntw (1,8) "nb W3s.t!

(3,17) jmj-r3 njw.t Bt; H-m-W3s.t wdpw nswt Ns-Jmn p3 ss n pr-3 "nh wd3 snb Bw.tw n3 jB.w
r-h3t=w (3,18) r B jmnt.t njw.t m rnp.t-sp 15 3bd 3 3h.t sw 19 w3h n3 jB.w drt hr p3jj mr n
p3jj ntr j.w3h.w js.w jm=f (3,19) jr p3jj> w smtr p3jj=w S3w m 883 h3b hr-hr=f m-b3h pr-3 nh
wd3 snb jn Btj p wdpw p3 whmw p3 h3tj-“ n njw.t (4,1) rnp.t-sp 16 3bd 3 3h.t sw 22 hrw pn
swd n3 jB.w wn.w m p3jj mr n p3 nswt n hm ntr tpj n Jmn-R“ nswt ntr.w Jmn-htp m B qnb.t
Gt (4,2) jn jmj-13 njw.t 85 H°-m-W3s.t wdpw nswt Ns-Jmn p3 s$ n pr-3 "nh wd3 snb 3 n pr
n pr dw3.t-ntr (nh-tj n Jmn-R° nswt ntr.w wdpw nswt Nfr-I3-R“-m-pr-Jmn (4,3) p3 whmw n
pr-3 nh wa3 snb h3tj-° P3-sr n njw.t n3 wr.w 3.w n 83 qnb.t 3.tn njw.t

(1:1) Year 16, 3 Akhet 23, under the Majesty of: the King of S. & N. Egypt, Lord of Both
Lands, Neferkare Setepenre, L.P.H.; Son of Re, Lord of Crowns, like Amun, (1:2)
Ramesses IX, Khaemwaset I, Mereramun, L.P.H., beloved of Amen-Re, King of the
gods, (and of) Re-Harakhti, and given life forever and eternally.

(1:3) The examination of the men who were found to have disturbed the burial chambers
in the tombs of the West of the City (Thebes), accusation against whom (1:4) was made
(‘spoken’) by Pawero, the Mayor of the West of the City (Thebes), and Chief of Medjay¬
police of the great and noble Tomb of Millions of Years of Pharaoh, L.P.H., (1:5) (by)
the [District-Scribe] Wenennufer, and by Amen-Nakht, a District-Officer of the West
of the City (Thebes). Examination of them was made (1:6) [by]: the City-governor and
Vizier, Khalemwaset]; the [Royal] Cupbearer (wdpw nswt), Nesamun, Scribe of Pharaoh,
L.P.H.; the Steward of the Estate of the Divine Adoratress of (1:7) [Amen-Re, King] of
the gods, the Royal Cupbeare[r (wdpw nswt), Neferkare-em-p]er-amun, Herald of Pha¬
raoh, L.P.H.; and the Mayor of the City (Thebes), Paser; — (held) in the Treasury of the
Temple of Montu, (1:8) [Lord of Thebes].

(3:17) The City-governor and Vizier Khaemwaset, and the Royal Cupbearer (wdpw nswt)
Nesamun, Scribe of Pharaoh, L.P.H., had the thieves taken before them (3:18) to the
West of the City (Thebes), in Year 16, 3“ Akhet 23. The thieves pointed out this god’s
pyramid, which they had disturbed. (3:19) There was made (a record) in writing of their
examination and their condemnation, and word was sent about it to Pharaoh, (L.P.)H.,
by the Vizier, the Cupbearer (wdpw), the Herald, and the Mayor of the City.

(4:1) Year 16, 3“ Akhet 23: day of handing over the thieves who had been in this pyramid
of the king, to the High Priest of Amen-Re, King of the gods, Amenhotep, in the great