OCR Output

[76.7] Ostracon, Cairo, CG 25274"

(1) rnp.t-sp 6 3db 1 3h.t sw 12 jj jn wdpw nswt (2) Sth-hr-wnm=f jn jmj-r3 njw.t (3) Btj Nfr¬
rnp.t r m33 p3 r3-°b3kw

Year 6, 1st Akhet 12: there came the Royal Cupbearer (wdpw nswt) Sethirwonmef and

the City-governor and Vizier Neferronpet to see the work in progress.

Text edition:

Spiegelberg, W. Zwei Beiträge zur Geschichte und Topographie der Thebanischen Necropolis
im neuen Reich. Schlesier & Schweikhardt, Strassbourg, 1898, 13, III.

Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Historical and Biographical. Vol. VI. B. H. Blackwell,
Oxford, 1983b, 145.


Helck, W. Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, Papyri und Graffiti von Deir el-Medineh.
Agyptologische Abhandlungen 63. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2002, 399.

Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions. Translated and Annotated: Translations. Vol. V1.
Ramesses IV to XI, and Contemporaries. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, 2012, 119.

Daressy, G. Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire. Nos. 25001-25385.
Ostraca. Institut francais d’archéologie orientale, Cairo, 1901, 70.

[76.8] Graffito, West Theban No. 2056a”°“
(I) rnp.t-sp 6 3bd 2 3h.t sw 7 (2) hrw pn spr jn (3) wdpw nswt Sth-hr-wnm=f[|...] (4) Sthjj[...]
Year 6, 2nd Akhet 7: (on) this day, there arrived the Royal Cupbearer (wdpw nswt) Sethir¬
wonmef, (and) Sety [..... lost & illegible ....].

Text edition:

Cerny, J. — Sadek, A. A. Graffiti de la montagne Thebaine IV. Centre de documentation et
d’études sur l’ancienne Egypte, Cairo, 1970, 35.

Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Historical and Biographical. Vol. VI. B. H. Blackwell,
Oxford, 1983b, 146.

160 Translation is after Kitchen, 2012, 119.
1061 Translation is after Kitchen, 2012, 119.