OCR Output

(4:4) The great criminal Panuk, who had been Superintendent of the Royal Apartments
of the Harim, in the retinue — he was brought in, because of his having made common
cause with Peibakkemen and Mesedsure, to raise rebellion against their Lord.

(4:5 )The great criminal Penduay, who had been Scribe of the Royal Apartments of the
Harim, in the retinue — he was brought in, because of his having made common cause
with Peibakkamen, Mesedsure. and this other criminal (= Panuk) who had been Super¬
intendent of the Royal Apartments of the Harim, and (with) the women of the harim,
to make a conspiracy (“agreement”/”covenant” — ‘eduth) with them, to raise rebellion
against their Lord.

He was <set> before the <great> officials of the Court of Examination: they examined his
crimes, they found him guilty, and they caused his punishment to befall him.

(4:12) The great criminal Warana, who had been a cupbearer (wdpw). He was brought in,
because of his having heard these matters from this Chief of a Department, with whom
he had been, (but) had concealed and had not reported them.

He was set before the great officials of the Court of Examination; they found him guilty,
and they caused his punishment to befall him.

(4:14) The great criminal Pa-Luk(k)u, who had been cupbearer (wdpw) and treasury¬
scribe. He was brought in, because of his having been in collusion with Paibakkamen;
he had heard the(se) matters from him, (but) had not reported them.

He was set before the great officials of the Court of Examination; they found him guilty,
and they caused his punishment to befall him.

(4:15) The great criminal. the Libyan Yanini, who had been a cupbearer (wdpw). He was
brought in, because of his having been in collusion with Paibakkamen; he had heard
the(se) matters from him, (but) had not reported them.

He was set before the great officials of the Court of Examination; they found him guilty,
and they caused his punishment to befall him.

(5:3) The great criminal Binemwaset. who had been Troop-Commander of Kush. He
was brought in, because of the message that his sister, who was in the harim in the reti¬
nue, had sent to him, saying, “Stir up people, organize opposition (‘make enmity’) and
come 10 raise rebellion against your Lord.”

He was set before Qadendenna, Baal-mahir, Pa-iru-swunu, and Thut-rekh-nufer; they
examined him, they found him guilty, and they caused his punishment to befall him.