OCR Output

Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Translated and Annotated, Translations. Vol. IV. Mer¬
enptah and the Late Nineteenth Dynasty. Blackwell, Oxford, 20038, 205.


Cerny, J. Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire. Nos. 25675-25832.
Ostraca hiératiques. Vol. IV. Institut français d’archéologie orientale, Cairo, 1935b, 82,
95”, pl. XCVIIL.

Davies, B. G. Ramesside Inscriptions. Translated and Annotated: Notes and Comments. Vol.
IV. Merenptah and the Late Nineteenth Dynasty. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, 2014, 249.

Other literature:

Kitchen, K. A. “Note on ‘Sojourner’ — a Foreign Word for Foreigners in Egypt.” In Kormy¬
sheva, E. E. (ed.): Ancient Egypt and Kush. In Memoriam Mikhail A. Korostovtsev. Nauka
Oriental Literature Publishers, Moscow, 1993a, 237-241.

General literature about the owner:

Cerny, J. “A Note on the Chancellor Bay.” Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertum¬
skunde 93, 1966, 35-39.

Posener, G. “La complainte de l’échanson Bay.” In Assmann, J. — Feucht, E.— Griesham¬
mer, R. (Hrsg.): Fragen an die altägyptische Literatur. Studien zum Gedenken an Eberhard
Otto. Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1977, 385-397.

Schulman, A. R. “The Royal Butler Ramessessami‘on.” Chronique d’Egypte 61, 1986, 200.

Schulman, A. R. “The Royal Butler Ramessessami‘on. An Addendum.” Chronique d'Egypte
65, 1990, 14.

Dodson, A. “Fade to Grey: The Chancellor Bay, Eminence Grise of the Late Nineteenth
Dynasty.” In Collier, M. — Snape, S. (eds.): Ramesside Studies in Honour of K. A. Kitchen.
Rutherford Press, Bolton, 2011, 145-146, 158.