OCR Output

The latest certain attestation of Ramessessethherwenemef is in a section of papyrus
in Turin 2002, on the 7" of the 2" month of shemu in the 1° year of Ramesses V."* The
inscription relates the visit of some high officials inspecting the placing of some pieces
of burial equipment into a royal tomb, based on the very early date during the reign of
Ramesses V, presumably into that of his predecessor, Ramesses IV. There are five wdpw
nswt ‘royal wdpws’ among the members of the delegation, the highest number acting
together in one case, according to the available sources. Apart from Ramessessethher¬
wenemef, Amenkhau, Atumnakht, Sobekhotep and Parenakht were also present.

III.77. Sobekhotep

Date: Ramesses IV — Ramesses V (based on the date of the remains)

Genealogy: unknown

Tomb: unknown

Remains: — stele, New Haven, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, YPM ANT

266737 (Serabit el-Khadim, No. 302)

— papyrus, Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 2002
Functional titles: wb3 nswt

wdpw nswt

Jmj-r3 pr hd n nbw hd
Honorific titles: hrj-ssB n h Sps

hsjj=fmrj=fn jb n nb=f

Sobekhotep was active in his office under the reign of Ramesses IV and Ramesses V for
certain. Peden assumes that he may already have begun his career under Ramesses III,*?
which is possible given the length Ramesses IV’s reign, however, there is no evidence to
substantiate this. Two sources allow us to render an account of his activities.

A round-topped sandstone stele from Serabit el-Khadim, now located in New Haven
(YPM ANT 266737), commemorates the participation of Sobekhotep on his fourth expe¬
dition to the turquoise mines of Serabit el-Khadim. The stele is dated to the 3" year,

*8 Gutgesell, as well as Schulman, mistakenly dated the document to the reign of Ramesses IV. Gut¬
gesell, 1983, 226; Schulman, 1986, 202. For a discussion on the date, see Helck, 2002, 18. Eyre
erroneously mentions his name as Sethherkhepeshef in his study on the ostracon in Sydney, R.97,
see Eyre, 1979, 81, n. e.

"9 Peden, 1994b, 28, n. 4.