OCR Output

Ptah and Ptah-Sokar, respectively. The inscriptions above the couple and at the bottom
of the wall contain praises and offering formulae naming the donators. Wenefdjedsen
is designated three times as wb} nswt n nb 13.wj ‘royal wb3 of the lord of the Two Lands’
and once as wb3 nswt tpj n hm=f ‘first royal wb3 of His Majesty’. He is the third out of
the five persons who bore the title wb} nswt tpj ‘first royal wb?’ under the reign of
Ramesses II. Regarding the extremely long reign of the ruler, at the same time, not
knowing the exact time period of the activity of these officials in this position, it is
plausible enough that all of them filled the role of the superior of the collective alone
for a certain time, and it is not necessary to assume that more than one person acted
in this position, at least not in the same palace.

III.48. Sety
Date: Ramesses II
Genealogy: unknown
Tomb: unknown
Remains: — block statue, Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33263
Functional titles: wb3 nswt wb Cw

jmj-r3 pr hd
jmj-r3 pr hd n nb 83.wj
Jmj-r3 htm.t

Jmj-r3 pr

jmj-r3 pr n Sm'w Mhw
jmj-r3 k3.t

Jmj-r3 ms©

ss nswt

s§ nswt n mr=f

Bj-hw hr wnmj n nswt

A block statue found in Memphis, now located in Cairo (JE 33263), depicts wb3 nswt wh
“wj royal wb3 clean of hands’ Sety, dated to the reign of Ramesses II. A stele is represented
on the front of his robe, which depicts Mut before the sitting figure of Amun-Re and the
standing deity, perhaps Khonsu behind him. There is a column of inscription with some
of his titles on the top of the statue between the two hands of Sety, and also one column