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among the officials in these specifications," but ít ís more reasonable to interpret these
extensions, as Davies does,” as an affiliation to special departments within the palace.
In the present corpus this feature is not represented, wh3 nswt n pr hd ‘royal wb3 of the
treasury’ by Ramessesankherneheh”® is the only wh3 nswt ‘royal wb?’ title with a suffix
referring to a particular administrative unit. However, the linking of the officials to such
a unit can be ascertained by their other titles, such as 3 n “t hnk.t ‘chief of the supplies
magazine’ by Iuti and Ramessesemperre,”® or 3 n ".t hng.t chief of the beer chamber’
by Ramessesemperre. Besides the references linked to various units of the royal palace,
however, suffixes referring to the ruler appear more frequently, in the forms of n pr-3
‘of the Pharaoh’ n pr-3 ‘nh wa} snb ‘of the Pharaoh, L.P.H.’, n nb t3.wj ‘of the lord of the
Two Lands’ or n hm=f*of His Majesty’. In addition, there are two more extended versions
of the title wb3 nswt ‘royal wb3’, namely wb} nswt wb ©. wj ‘royal wb3 clean of hands’ that
supposedly refers to the ritually pure state of the ruler in the immediate presence of
whom the official fulfils his duty,”” and wb3 nswt tpj ‘first royal wb?’ indicating some kind
of ranking among the officials.”*

In the case of the title wdpw nswt ‘royal wdpw’, only extensions referring to the ruler
are attested and there are no such variations indicating hierarchical position or per¬
sonal closeness to the king, the background of which fact can be explained by the
difference between the usage of the two titles, which is discussed below.

1.53.2. The difference in the titles wb3 nswt and wdpw nswt in regard to their usage

During the periods before the New Kingdom when the words wb3 and wdpw designated
persons in their actual functional role as servants, their translations as ‘butler’ and ‘cup¬
bearer’ respectively were sufficient to make a distinction between them. Yet the functional
titles wb3 nswt and wdpw nswt of high officials represented primarily during the New
Kingdom, neither the sort of differentiation nor the translations are suitable anymore.
Previous studies did not make a clear distinction between the two titles in meaning and
sometimes even in transliteration, but merged both of them under the entry of wb3

283 Schulman, 1976, 123-124.

284 Davies, 2014, 88.

755 For a discussion on Ramessesankherneheh, see p. 213, as well as chapter II.5.2.1. on the duties related

to the royal court on p. 73.

For a discussions on luti and Ramessesemperre, see pp. 135. and 201, respectively.

#7 For a detailed discussion on this, see chapter IL.4.3. The title wb3 nswt w°b © wj ‘royal wb3 clean of
hands’ on p. 67.

*8° For a detailed discussion on this, see chapter II.3.1. Ranking among the officials on p. 61.