OCR Output

five in number and those of constructed with wdpw are two. (For the detailed list, see
tables 1.1., 1.3. and 1.4. in the Appendix.) Regarding the honorific titles borne by the
officials, a similar diversity can be observed, forty basic honorific titles can be distin¬
guished within their total amount, which comes to sixty-three in number. (For the detailed
list, see table 1.5. in the Appendix.) Depending on the types of the sources, their occur¬
rence was more frequent during the 18" dynasty than in the later period.

Due to the wide range of diversity of functional titles as well as the fact that there are
only a few of them which were borne by more than one or two officials, it is rather dif¬
ficult to give a definite picture about the position, activity and connections with the
fellow officials of ‘royal wb3s’ and ‘royal wdpws’ within the royal court as well as the
administrative system. Further similar prosopographical research would be required
concerning other representatives of the most common functional titles held by these
officials to reveal more detailed information about the areas mentioned above.

; or functional title >.
name period ranking title — - honorific title


Wah igth

Montuiui 18"
Suemniut 18
Neferweben 18"
Maaninakhtef 18"
Iuti 18

Sennefer 18
(I) 18"

Sarenenutet 1g
Setau 1g
Seth 18
Parennefer 18

Ptahemwia (1) 18



Paatenemheb 18

Qema 1g