II.5.1. Representations of duties in the tomb depictions . .................. 70
II.5.2. The nature of the duties according to the textual sources. .............. 73
IL.5.2.1. Duties related to the royal court. . ....................... 73
IL.5.2.2. Duties related to special assignments ..................... 79
11.5.3. Overview of the titles held by the officials ........................ 85
IL.5.3.1. The occurrences of the titles wb3 nswt and wdpw nswt,
and their extended variations. ......................... 90
IL.5.3.2. The difference in the titles wb3 nswt and wdpw nswt
in regard to their usage . ............................. 91
IL.5.4. Occurrence of the words wb3 and wdpw in narrative texts
— ah OVETVIEW . ........................ eee... 96
PART 3 — Prosopography of ‘royal wb3s’ and ‘royal wdpws’
First half of the 18" dynasty — from Thutmose II to Thutmose IV
Ii Nebamun.... 0.20.00 000 ee 105
UL2. Djehuti(I).. 2.2... ee. 111
IIl3. Qenamun.... 2.2... 2000000002 eee 115
IL.4. Neferperet. ........................................ 118
IL5. Wah......................................:.... 120
IIL6. Djehutimes ........................................ 122
Hz Montuiui ......................................... 123
IILS8 Suemniut ......................................... 125
IIL9. Neferweben ........................................ 131
IIL10. Maaninakhtef. ...................................... 132
Lu. uti... 0200000 134
Middle of the 18 dynasty - Amenhotep III and Akhenaten
III.12. Heqanakht ....................................... 137
Hlu3. Sennefer. ......................................... 138
IIL14. Neferrenpet (I) ...................................... 140
III.15. Sarenenutet Tjaui. . ................................... 142
Ill.16. Setau. 2 2 146
Hlız. Seth 2... ne 147
IL18. Parennefer. . ....................................... 150
IIL19. Nakhuempaaton ..................................... 155
IL.20. Ptahemwia (1). ...................................... 155
Late 18* dynasty — from Tutankhamun to Horemheb
IL21 Ipay ............................................ 161
IL22. Ipu............................................. 162
IL23. Pay. ............................................ 164
IL.24. Paatenemheb . ...................................... 165
IL25. Qema ........................................... 168