OCR Output


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................
INTRODUCTION .........................4.440 4000 ee ee

PART 1- the words wb3 and wdpw

Li wb3vs. wdpw — the reading of the two words. .........................
I.2. The appearance and usage of the words wb3 and wdpw from the earliest attestations

until the New Kingdom .................................

I.2.1. Archaic Period and Old Kingdom. ...........................

1.2.2. First Intermediate Period . ...............................

123. Middle Kingdom.....................................

PART 2 - the titles wb3 nswt ‘royal wb3’ and wdpw nswt ‘royal
wdpw : their function and their holders

I1.1. Personal background of the officials ..............................
Il11 Genealogy and family relationships. ..........................
Il1.2. The issue of foreign origin of the officials .......................

II.2. Geographical distribution of the officials. . ..........................
II.2.1. Place of function .....................................
IL.2.2. Burial places. . ......................................

3. Presence of ‘royal wb3s’ and ‘royal wdpws’ under rulers . ...................
3.1 Ranking among the officials. ..............................

IL.4. The relationship between the officials and the ruler. .....................
II.4.1. The issue of titles related to growing up in the royal palace

and military activity ..................................
IL.4.2. The issue of honorific titles related to the trust and

the favour oftheruler ..................................
11.4.3. The title wb3 nswt wb Cwj ‘royal wb3 clean of hands’. ................

IL5. The duties of the wb3 nswt and wdpw nswt and their function in the service
oftheruler 2... eee