OCR Output

Báthory family 62

Bathory Zsigmond 62, 64, 116, 141

Batthyäny family 23, 95, 102

Batthyäny Ignäc 135

Bauffremont, Nicolas de 37, 38, 182

Bayezid, IL. see Ottoman, Bayezid, II.

Beatrice d’Aragona see Trastamara, Beatrice of Naples
Beatrice de Fragepan see Frangepan Beatrix

Beatrix of Aragon see Trastämara, Beatrice of Naples
Beatrix, Queen see Trastamara, Beatrice of Naples
Beauté-sur-Marne (ma Nogent-sur-Marne, F) 15

Bec, Christian 16, 143

Beckh von Beckhenstain, Leonhard 58

Bécs see Wien

Beerren, Henricus 170

Bekker, Immanuel 64, 148

Bél Károly András 96

Bél Mátyás (Bél, Matthias) 47, 48, 73, 93, 95, 96, 97, 105, 111, 143, 175, 177,
189, 190, 195

Béla, III. see Arpad dynasty, Béla, III.

Belfortis, Andreas 43

Belgrád (Beograd, Alba Graecia, Görögfehérvár, Nándorfehérvár, SRB) 86
Bellerus, Johannes 164

Bene Sándor 75, 130, 143

Berger, Johann Wilhelm 39, 86, 87, 98, 104, 143, 145
Berges, Godfried de 177

Bergomensis, Philippus 19

Berkelius, Abraham 66, 188

Berläsz Jenö 61, 62, 143

Berlin (Berolinum, D) 149, 186, 188

Bern (Berna, CH) 155

Bernasconi, Angelo 76, 131, 143

Berolinum see Berlin

Berthod, Anselme 135, 136

Bertier, Pierre III de 38

Bertoni, Giulio 17, 143

Besançon (Vesontionensium, Bisuntium, Doubs, F) 116, 135, 136, 138, 144, 160, 193
Bessarion, Johannes 31, 143, 154

Bethlen Elek 68, 69, 75, 128

Bethlen Gäbor 67, 68, 116, 119, 144, 190

Beyer, Johann 161

Beyerlinck, Laurentius 60, 61, 177, 196