of view, and then, since they are rare, guotes the published library catalogues in which the editions were found. He also tried to find out when and in what form the owner could have accessed the copy. William Guthrie’s (1708-1770) and John Gray’s (1723?-1811) multi-volume history of the world, published in English" and German," was published in two editions in German (Leipzig"" and Troppau-Brünn—Wien""), and was translated by ten scholars (they worked on a single volume each). Volume 15 (Band) is the history of the Hungarian Kingdom." In it, when discussing the reign of Matthias Hunyadi, they did not fail to mention the library, rich in printed documents and 53 (GUTHRIE-GRAY 1764-1767. 4 Tr work has an internal “Volume (Band)” and “Part (Theil)” numbering system, published in different numbers of volumes per edition. For example, the Troppau-Brno-Vienna edition has 98 volumes. In this, the relevant and quotable Hungarian volume is No. 52. 55 GUTHRIE-GRaAY 1765-1795. 16 GuUTHRIE-GRAY 1785-1805 57 In the Troppau-Brno-Vienna edition, this makes three volumes. 109