read the works of the ancient authors, the early church fathers, and followed the
versions of the editions. It is natural, therefore, that the codices of the Bibliotheca
Corvina and the work of the philologists who studied them have also been given
a new light. A series of new lexicons were produced with new “complete works”
editions. These writings also reviewed the literature of the previous Aistoria lit¬
teraria. One example is the study of the life and works of Augustine Moravus
Olmuciensis (1467-1513) by Johann Gottlob Böhme (1717-1780).°° Since the hu¬
manist statesman lived in the royal court of Buda from 1497 to 1511, his life’s work
relates to the reign of Matthias Hunyadi,™ and the history of the Library. This
work may also be of interest regarding the lost Trapezuntius Codex (libros contra
Platonem), which Csapodi Csaba had very thoroughly investigated.*°’ Numer¬
ous monographic biographies were produced, the most noteworthy of which are
the humanists active in Buda during the time of Matthias. And so Franciscan Fa¬
ther Ireneo Affo (1741-1797) wrote a biography of Taddeo Ugolet (1448-1513?),
one of the librarians of the Corvina.™
From the lexicons, I want to mention one with Hungarian connections. The
work of the Transylvanian Saxon Georg Jeremias Haner (1707-1777), in which he
describes in detail, for instance, the editions of Naldo Naldis work." However,
it is certain that the most detailed work in the history of the Bibliotheca Corvina,
from Schier’s (1766) to Peter Alcantera Budik’s (1792-1858) comprehensive works
in German,” is that of the Lutheran pastor and literary historian Pál Wallaszky
(1742-1824). In his Tentamen historiae litterarum one chapter is completely dedi¬
cated to the Library (de Bibliotheca Corviniana)>”
In the following, the focus will be on the work of philologists who wrote com¬
prehensive works that went through several editions on the European book mar¬
ket in the second half of the 18th century. They played an important role in the
dissemination of basic knowledge about Hungarian cultural history in Europe,
including the Corvina.
Bönme 1758.
Ex er 2015; Exzer 2016.; Ekler—Kiss F. G. eds., Augustinus Moravus, 2015.
Boume_ 1758, 136-138.
Csapopt 1973, 380. (Nr. 668.).
5% Arr 1780.
505 Haner 1774, 75-76.; Haner 1777, 75-76. Note: as it proceeds chronologically with the description
ofthe authors and works, we can read about the people who worked in the court of Matthias Hunyadi
on the indicated pages.
506 BuDIK 1830.; Bupix 1839.; BuDIK 1840.
507 WaLLaszky 1769, 78-93.