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Matthias Coruinus, laguelle fut bruslée par Soliman en la prise de la mesme Ville l'an
1526. Brassicanus donc est le premier qui fit imprimer a Basle les huits Liures de la
Providence lan 1530.

The landmark critical edition of the Salvianus text, however, words the history of
the edition like this:
„Ex quo codice editio princeps, alnnol 1530 cura lolannis] Alexandri Brassicani vulgata,
expressa sit, ignoratur® Scatet hic liber vitiis omnis generis, imprimis in duobus libris
posterioribus, quorum ordo miserum in modum turbatus est; aliquot tamen locis eo
libro solo lectio vera servata est!”

In other words, it is the wording of the text, with which the author of the ,vul¬
gate” edition has done a service, the order of the passages, and the interpretation
of the text in the oeuvre are not correct in the edition. In fact, according to Caro¬
lus Halm, the basis of the edition was poor quality, something that is generally
claimed about most of the corvinas by the authors of modern critical editions, so
he bases the editio on a manuscript from Paris. In the next critical edition Francis¬
cus Pauly does record the Vienna Codex as the basis on which Brassicanus worked,
although he does not mention the provenance of the manuscript.'*”

Brassicanus’s description of what he found in Buda disappeared from the
textual philological apparatus from the second half of the 17th century. It did,
however, appear in parts of library studies anthologies (Joachim Johann Mader,
1626-1680),'°° and on the pages of historia litteraria, although it is usually only
cited or mentioned.”

We want to conclude our remarks on the history of the publication of the Salv¬
inaus text: the first Hungarian translation of the work (De gubernatione Dei) was
published in 1862 by the students of the Gy6r Seminary.'” The bibliographic
knowledge of the translators was not very deep — they believed the first French
translation was published in 1825 '”' — but they were familiar with most of the
16th and 17th century publications of the work:

„lt is interesting for us Hungarians that the manuscript for the first edition of the
eight books „Isten vilägkormänyzatäröl” was obtained from our world famous king
Matthiass library by Brassicanus, published in Basel in 1530. All his surviving works
were put in order and published at first in Paris in 1581 by Peter Pithoeus.”? The best
known among all the editions is the one of Istvan Baluzius.”* Published under the title


SALVIANUS (par Gorse) 1655, fol. ajr.

EmpHasis mine: I.M.

SALVIANUS (ed. Hazm) 1877, VI.

167 SALVIANUS (ed. Pauzv) 1883, VIIII.

168 BRASSICANUS (ed. MADER) 1666, 135-143.
SEE e.g. writings on Friedrich Boltz’s disseration in Wittenberg: Botrz—BERcER 1717, 177-178.;

Borrz 1717, 177-178.

10 SALVIANUS 1862.

171 SALVIANUS 1862, XV.

172 PIERRE Pithou (Pithoeus, 1539-1596).

13 ETIENNE Baluze (1630-1718).



