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A Historia de duobus amantibus fordításai

Névtelen 1708

Anonymous, The History of the Amours of Count Schlick, Chancellor tot he Emperor
Sigismund, and a Young Lady of Quality of Siennaf!] by Aeneas Sylvius, Poet-Laureat,
and Secretary to the Same Emperor, afterwards Pope Pius the Second., London, printed
for James Woodward, 1708. In: Hypolitus Earl of Douglas. Containing some memoirs of
the Court of Scotland; with the secret history of Mack-Beth... To which is added, the amours
of Count Schlick,...’, London, printed for James Woodward, 1708. (EST'C 006325772)

Hypolitus Earl of Douglas. Containing some memoirs of the Court of Scotland; with
the Secret History of Mack-Beth King of Scotland. To which is added, The Amours of
Count Schlick, Chancellor to the Emperor Sigismund, and a young Lady of Quality: By
Aeneas Sylvius, Poet Laureat, and Secretary to the same Emperor, afterwards Pope Pious
the Second, London, printed for Ja. Woodward, in St. Christopher's Church-Yard in
Threadneedle street, 1708. (ESTC 006325770)

The memoirs of the court of Scotland, or the history of the Earl of Douglas; with The
secret history of Mackbeth, King of Scotland. Written by the author of ‘The ladies travels
into Spain,... To which is added the art of love; or the amours of Count Schlick, ... written
in Latin by Pope Pius the II, London, printed for Sam. Briscoe, and sold by James
Woodward; and John Morphew, 1711. (ESTC 006028676)

The history of Hypolitus, Earl of Douglas. With the secret history of Macbeth, King of
Scotland. To which is added, the act of love, or the amours of Count Schlick and a young
lady of quality, London, printed for H. Slater, F. Noble, J. Rowlands, T. Wright, J.
Duncan, 1741. (ESTC 006325769)

The history of Hypolitus, Earl of Douglas. With the secret history of Macbeth, king of
Scotland. To which is added, The art of love, or The amours of Count Schlick and a young
Lady of Quality, London, printed for Thomas Harris, 1742. (ESTC 006320160)


A 18. századi fordító valószínűleg nem ismerte a 16. századi névtelen históriás éneket,
szövegében legalábbis semmi sem utal rá, hogy Csenkeszfai Poóts András olvasta
volna a korábbi magyar változatot. A két fordítás hasonlóságai a forrásaikban meg¬
található egyezéseken alapulnak, de a két forrás között jelentős eltérések is voltak,
amelyek tükröződnek a két fordításban is.

(Pataki) Névtelen