them, can fulfill their purposes, although their career often slows down. They earn
their academic degree later, and it might never unravel that they could have been
just as competent as their male counterparts.”
Generally, it can be seen only afterwards whether the methods chosen to
promote decisions and changes were good. As Hegel wrote, the owl of Minerva
spreads its wings only with the coming of the dusk,” meaning that in cases of
practical matters, wisdom is posterior, because the theories reflecting current
situations or problems are usually not capable of solving or refining the processes
in the midst of what they come into existence. Anyhow, it is certainly sure that
in order to achieve the requiem of male dominance at the Academy, the old
voices of a single disk of a barrel organ, the cliché of the inadequacy of females
in scientific careers, should be quickly forgotten.
214 Csépe: Tul az üvegplafonon, 359.
215 The well known maxim, in English: Browning, G. K.: Hegel’s Plato: The Owl of Minerva,
Political Philosophy and History, in Hegel and the History of Political Philosophy, London,
Palgrave Macmillan, 1999, 34, https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230596139_3