OCR Output


10 = Men
MSc PhD/DLA Assistant professor Docent Professor

Chart 1. The rate of women and men at particular stages of the scientific course
in Hungary (2014). Source: http://mta.hu/mta_hirei/attorni-az-uvegplafont-kijutni¬
az-utvesztobol-elsokent- ult-ossze-a-nok-a-tudomanyban-kerekasztal-az-akademi¬


Female quotas for women in academia, or natural but slow change that might
take decades? Because “[...] it would be hard to debate that to exclude 50% of
a country’s brain capacity from the highest recognition, and the accompanying
financial acknowledgement as well, would serve the disadvantage of the coun¬
try’s science and its advancement.”!

Nora Séllei in an exceptionally consequent manner proposed a question to
consider in this topic, an aspect we need to be prioritise, for reasons she outlines:
“...are we So wealthy that we can allow ourselves that the intellectual potential
of women, making up more than a half of all the students in our current higher
education system, can be left unutilized when it comes to their making steps
towards an academic career?”!©? We may consider other European countries.
The British Royal Society elected a membership 30% of which were women in
2015. The same figure was 26% in 2016. At the German National Academy of
Sciences, the Leopoldina (Halle), which represents every scientific field, in 2014
and also in 2015, 33% of the elected candidates were women. They have a
properly functioning and anti-discriminative system.'” In the Academy of
Sciences of the United States, out of the nine elected Stanford professors, no
less than five were women.”

168 Somogyi, P.: Alkalmasak-e a nék az Akadémiai tagsägra?, Magyar Tudomdny 2016/7, 2862.
“By the way, the year 2007 was ‘the year of women’ at the Academy, when 7 women became
correspondent members of MTA at once. That time the Chairman of MTA, Szilveszter E. Vizi
aimed at raising the number of female academics, and he succeeded in it.” Lamm, V.: Nök az
Akadémian, Magyar Tudomäny, 177, 2016, 867, http://www.matud.iif.hu/2016/07/14.htm
(accessed 12 May 2017).

19 Sellei: Professzornök, 262.

Somogyi: Alkalmasak-e a magyar nök, 862.

VI Soltész, I.: Nők a Magyar Tudományos Akadémián, Magyar Tudomány 177, 2016, 1130.

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