OCR Output


In physics men earn, on average, 1896 more than women, according to a survey by the
Statistical Research Center (SRC) at the American Institute of Physics. Ihe survey
looked at people who received their PhD in physics in the US in 1996, 1997, 2000, or
2001. After accounting for other factors, such as employment sector, postdoctoral
experience, and age, a 5.7% disparity persists. That difference is attributable to sex,
say the data analysts. The model says that if we have two people who are identical
in every way, the woman will make, on average, 6 percent less than the man. [...] A
host of observations and studies boil down to two contributing factors in the pay
disparity. The first is that women don’t negotiate as aggressively as men. The second
is that men favour each other, which affects recommendations to serve as an editor
or chair a committee, [which will initially lead to higher salaries] (Physics Today,
November 2017).'!!

In Southern European countries (same as in Hungary) it is not possible to
talk about salary differences for professors, since “salaries are set nationally,
so the problem is not in comparing salaries, but rather in comparing career
progression” and its time comparison. Thus, after all, the difference in pay in
this case is that women in a lower status earn less money.!!? “For sure men have
a faster career, and most men entering the profession reach the top, they become
full professors. Women more often get stuck, typically at the associate professor
level. The reasons”, as the paper suggests, “are rooted in deep cultural patterns.”!#

It is also closely related to the question of the competence of women in
certain professions (with high prestige and/or salary). One of its visible forms
appears as early as during the job interview. However, very few studies have
been written about women’s (and men’s) behavioural attitudes and language
use in job interviews despite the fact that the first major step in career devel¬
opment is the job interview.'“ Therefore, Daniela Wawra’s book Männer und
Frauen im Job Interview" is extremely interesting, which states that the applied
language of men and women differ significantly. These differences were also
described and explained interdisciplinarily by linguistics, social sciences,
genetics and evolutionary psychology, as well as from an economic point of
view (examining English language and culture). She argues that basically these
are the reasons behind the discrimination. The paper also pointed out that



12 Tbidem.
113 See: Whitten, B. — Foster, S. -Duncombe, M.: What Works for Women in Undergraduate
Physics?, Physics Today, September 2003, 46; and see also in Physics Today, August 2005, 29.
Source: Dietz, T. (2005): Frauen und Männer verhalten sich im Bewerbungsgespräch unter¬



schiedlich, http://www.uni-passau.de/bereiche/presse/pressemeldungen/meldung/detail/
frauen-und-maenner-verhalten-sich-im-bewerbungsgespraech-unterschiedlich/ (accessed 5
January 2018).

Wawra, Daniela: Manner und Frauen im Job Interview — Eine evolutionspsychologische Stu¬
die zu ihrem Sprachgebrauch im Englischen, Minster, LIT Verlag, 2004.



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