OCR Output


Processing of decisions: The decision of the non-decision-making

A team of three people have difficulties to decide and to pick one particular

Hypothesis on implicit structures: Decision-making perspectives are hard
to acquire and decisions are being made fluidly. It is unclear who decides what,
when and how. There exist varying perspectives that are being integrated
divergently rather than convergently. Having made a decision, rather fluidly,
there are no conjointly generated mandates for action or subsequent decisions.

In the Workshop we work with the team on their current decision process
and the team developed a more sensitive and conscious view on decision process
which does not end with the decision but with the implementation and action
in meetings also than in their business decisions and develop a clear but also
fluently process.

Thus, the analyses provide plenty of specific hypotheses on the impli¬
cit structure and a possibility to turn them into a processable format. These
hypotheses can be introduced as topics into the workshops of the respective
team. It hereby shows that, from the view of the teams, already existing
difficulties and problems are worked and are being reflected in a different, new
way and in the end can be solved e.g. get a perspective or a deeper understanding.
Additionally, experience shows that surprisingly new topics can evolve which,
by dealing with them, resolve blockages and dysfunctional dynamics.


The different teams developed and took away new possibilities of actions for
themselves, their team and their business. Their own topics were brought
into the communication and made discussable or tangible and therefore very
specific developments and changes, i.a. concerning work organization and role
allocation, were able to be executed. The teams make experiences in a deeper
(self)-reflection, in their implicit beliefs e.g. teamwork, leadership and what is
necessary for their work and business, awareness of individual and collective
patterns of working and cooperate, the high influence of the dynamic in daily
routines and to design decision processes for a more consciousness decision
making and implementation process. So in all three sense-dimensions and in

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