OCR Output


Munro, E., Review of Child Protection Interim Report: The Child’s Journey, 2015.

Soo, K. — ILvEs, K. — STROMPL, J., Networking and notification of cases of child
abuse, Final Report, University of Tartu, Institute for Sociology and Social
Policy, 2009.

Toros, K., Assessment of Child Well-being: Child Protection practice in Estonia,
Tallinn University dissertations on social sciences, 2011.

WESTERGAARD, J., Line Management Supervision in the Helping Professions:
Moving from External Supervision to a Line Manager Supervisor Model, The
Clinical Supervisor, 32 (2) (2013) 167-184.

ECVision. Supervision and Coaching in Europe: Concepts and Competences,
Vienna, ANSE, 2015.

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