OCR Output


direction for programming and management of EC development assistance."
One of the guiding principles of this policy is Ownership by developing countries
of their own development process."

The ownership of local stakeholders and target groups of their development
processes is the main issue of the EU development aid policies, while active
participation is one of the main instruments in promoting ownership. Mo¬
nitoring, on the other hand, is one of the practical tools for ownership
enhancement. In Project Cycle Management Guidelines’ it is clearly exposed
that one of practical ways of promoting ownership among local stakeholder
and on different stages of Project Cycle Management’ is to promote monitoring
as a learning process, not only as an “auditing” tool.


Monitoring, as a notion, is used differently in different contexts and therefore
I should provide a definition for each typology of monitoring used within
projects funded by EU. There are 3 main types of monitoring:®
1) Internal project monitoring, which is the responsibility of internal mana¬
gement of organization in charge of project implementation. It is a process
of systematic and continuous collection, analysis and use of management
information to support effective decision-making and therefore stands for
keeping track of project progress implementation in terms of expenditure,
resource use, implementation of activities, achievement of results, risk
management, etc.
2) Monitoring by EC Task Managers? refers to collecting, analysing and
using information about project progress and performance (internal,

European Commission, Aid Delivery Methods — Volume 1: Project Cycle Management
Guidelines, EuropAid: Supporting effective implementation of EC External Assistance, 2004.
5 Ibid.
$ Ibid.
is a methodology for the identification, preparation implementation, monitoring and evaluation
of projects and programmes. PCM methodology is based on the principles of the Logical Fra¬
mework Approach. It helps specify key tasks, quality assessment criteria, roles, responsibilities
and decision making options to support effective management, the achievement of desired
results and learning from experience (European Commission, Strengthening project internal
monitoring, How to enhance the role of EC task managers, EuropeAid: Tools and Methods
series, Reference document No 3, 2007.).
8 Ibid.
Refers to an EC officer who has an operational responsibility for overseeing and supporting the
effective formulation, implementation and/or monitoring of specific development projects or
programmes financed by EU. Most Task Managers are now based at Delegations and usually