A common terminological basis and competence framework is particularly
important for the description of professional competences in the field of
counselling, supervision and coaching as professions in this field do not
belong to regulated professions and in most European countries are not
subject to binding legal definitions and quality standards. Furthermore, there
is a plethora of varying concurrent definitions of counselling, supervision
and coaching and a number of competing professional networks that claim
to possess the legitimacy and leadership qualities to oversee and manage the
professionalization of the field in many countries.
The characteristics of fragmentation may be the reason why the need for
professionalization in the field of counselling, supervision and coaching
has been a topic discussed in several research papers.‘ For example, Fietze
emphasizes that both Supervision and Coaching practitioners “offer personal
counselling in a work-related context and claim that their work activities
represent a profession””>. Therefore, it is important for practitioners from both
groups to define the scope of their professional identity in relation to other
2 For details see: information at the website of the European Council on the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR): www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/cadrel_en.asp,
accessed 13 October 2015.
For details see: European e-Competence Framework website: www.ecompetences.eu/, accessed
13 October 2015.
3 For details see: Carer+ Digital Competence Framework: http://carerplus.eu/developing¬
training/wiki/digital-competence-framework, accessed 13 October 2015.
” Publications include: A. Schreyögg — Ch. Schmidt-Lellek (eds.), Die Professionalisierung von
Coaching, Ein Lesebuch für den professionellen Coach, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag, 2015.; B. Fietze,
Profilbildung und Statuskonkurrenz. Zur Professionalisierung neuer Beratungsformen, in: E.
M. Graf -Y. Aksu - 1. Pick - S. Rettinger (eds.), Beratung, Supervision, Coaching, VS Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften, Springer, 2011, 23-36.; C. Schiersmann - P. C. Weber, Professionalität
als Herausforderung: Ein Kompetenzprofil für das Beratungspersonal im Feld Bildung, Beruf
und Beschäftigung, BIBB, BWP, 4 (2009) 9-13.
» Fietze, Profilbildung und Statuskonkurrenz. 23.: “Sowohl im Falle der Supervision wie im Falle
des Coachings handelt es sich um personenbezogene Beratungsformen im arbeitsweltlichen
Kontext, die mit dem Anspruch auftreten, eine Profession zu sein.” /Translation H. M.-R.: